Doctors of the World opens Rockaways Free Clinic Post-Sandy

NGO Known for Its Work After Sandy Opens Health Clinic in Rockaways

One year after Hurricane Sandy hit the northeast coastline, Doctors of the World decided to open the Rockaways Free Clinic.  In a neighborhood marked by a high population of uninsured adults, high incidence of chronic diseases and very few local doctors the need for accessible healthcare services persists.  After providing post-emergency medical relief to local residents through home visits with volunteer doctors, Program Coordinator Noah Barth speaks of a long-term commitment to the area: “We felt that in doing the relief work Post-Sandy that we had made a commitment to the local community and wanted to make good on that and stick around long-term.”  In this feature video, NY1 goes into the Rockaways Free Clinic to speak with clients and better understand the local needs and the impact of the clinic in meeting those needs.