Far Rockaways: So long, but not goodbye! - Doctors of the World

Far Rockaways: So long, but not goodbye!

It is always bittersweet ramping down a program that we believe in so passionately, such as our Rockaways Free Clinic in Queens, New York.

We established care in the Rockaways in response to Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and since that time we have had the privilege of caring for hundreds of Rockaways residents. At the Clinic, we provided kind and compassionate medical care and treatment to any patient who came through our doors, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. We were also proud to shine a light on the health needs of different communities in New York City post-Hurricane Sandy. See our Assessment of Health Needs in the Rockaways report for more information. 

Last Saturday, our volunteers and partners joined us at the Clinic one last time to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished.

The team reiterated how privileged they have felt to be part of the vibrant Rockaways community and to have cared for our amazing patients. We shared some great memories, a lot of laughs, and a few tears as we closed the Clinic door one last time. We are forever grateful to the patients, volunteers, partners and donors who have been involved during the last three years. With your help, the Rockaways Free Clinic changed the healthcare landscape in the Rockaways and touched the lives of hundreds of Rockaways residents.