February 6, 2024
Turkey and Syria Earthquakes Emergency Response – One Year Report
Our teams and partners are preparing for exploration missions planned in the coming days. This will involve assessing the specific needs of the affected population in terms of health care and mental health in remote villages and mountainous areas affected by the earthquake.
Several local partners, including some with whom we already work in Rabat and Oujda, will take part in the operations.
The earthquake that hit Marrakesch on Saturday is the most powerful to have ever been measured in Morocco : magnitude 7 according to the Moroccan Center for Scientific and Technical Research (6.8 according to the American seismological service). The official provisional toll is 2,500 deaths and at least as many injured, half of them in serious condition.
Doctors of the World Belgium has been present in Morocco since 2013 in the region of Oujda and Rabat. It helps migrants to give them access to health care from which they are excluded. Specific projects target migrant women and children in a migration situation who find themselves on Moroccan territory.
“We assess the needs of the population affected by the earthquake in the region of Marrakech. As soon as we can, we will go there to implement the most effective humanitarian response possible. ”
© Marc Ferra