United Kingdom - Doctors of the World

United Kingdom

Projects / Campaigns

In the UK we run clinic and advocacy programs that provide medical care and practical support to vulnerable communities


People given access to healthcare


Pregnant women treated


People given access to a dentist

Many people living in the UK find it impossible to access public health services

Refugees seeking asylum, vulnerable migrants, and those who are unable to pay for care are often denied treatment by frontline healthcare staff in the United Kingdom. Our clinic in London offers primary healthcare and advice from volunteer doctors, nurses and support workers for those who have been turned away. 

As well as providing healthcare, we also work to register those who facing barriers with their local doctor. In 2016 we helped 1,906 people to access the NHS (National Health Service) and 91% of our service users had their cases resolved. Our teams also signpost to other services, including housing advice, destitution support and specialist counseling. 

Accessing Healthcare In The UK

Read our report produced in partnership with the UK's Equality and Human Rights Commission.


Read our report on healthcare registration refusal in the UK.

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